Aiming to support ENTO, to accomplish its vision & values, Human Resources Management Policies are to:
- Advance the strategic goals and interests of our company,
- Be responsive to the changing needs of employees, management & government related entities,
- Establish and sustain ENTO’s reputation as a preferred employer,
- Maintain a workplace culture in which there is mutual trust and respect, where all employees feel valued, are listened to and are able to contribute their best efforts to achieve our mission,
- Hire the individual who is best qualified for the position. We pride ourselves as an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications of all qualified candidates regardless of race, language, religion, sex, ethnic group, national origin, color and physical disabilities.
- Be a strong believer of promoting people. We only consider external sources after ascertaining that the open position cannot be filled by an employee of ENTO.
- Know and comply with the laws and guidelines relevant to the functions performed,
- Commit to ensuring that all employees know what is expected of them in their jobs and are helped to develop their capabilities through constructive performance evaluations, training and career planning.
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